eP146: Development of digital video resources for goals of diabetes education: A UK structured education programme
Published Date: 03rd January 2018
Publication Authors: Thornton H
Goals of Diabetes Education is a structured educationprogramme that has been designed to enhance the knowledge, confi-dence and skills of all Children & Young People with Type 1 diabetes and contribute to their physical, social and emotional wellbeing. Introduced in 2016 in the UK this age related competency framework provides a scaffolding for health care professionals to work to. Train the trainer sessions have been provided throughout the UK to facilitate its adoption with over 127 Health Care Professionals (HCP )being trained and copies distributed to every centre in the UK.
Social learning theory asserts that most behaviours arelearned by observation and imitation. This can provide the foundation for behavioural modelling and with skilled educators children can cement these behaviours into their minds. To reinforce the competencies in the Goals of Diabetes Education a series of video bites were developed using real young people with type 1 diabetes taking part in daily activities and scenarios relating to diabetes care. Scenes were developed by a team of health care professionals in collaboration with families and a professional company with personal Type 1 diabetes experience.
Care was taken to accurately reproduce the key age related competencies and also modelling opportunities demonstrated for parents. A separate instructional video for parents was also developed to encourage modelling in daily life. The videos are planned to be released via website and social media in a format that can be viewed on a variety of devices.
The production of digital videos supporting the UK structured education programme Goals of Diabetes will provide a valuable resource to children young people and their families. They can also be used by HCP to deliver this educational experience. The uptake of the structured education will be monitored via a snapshot audit from the National Paediatric Diabetes Audit.
Thornton, H. et al. (2017). eP146: Development of digital video resources for goals of diabetes education: A UK structured education . Pediatric diabetes education . 18 (e-poster sessions)