Paediatric cystolitholapaxy through the Mitrofanoff/Monti channel
Published Date: 24th July 2018
Publication Authors: Floyd Jr MS, Pina IM
We read with interest the recent publication by Thomas et al. detailing the first series of 13 cases of paediatric cystolitholapaxy via either the Mitrofanoff or the Monti channel. Specific to this series no complications were reported and holmium laser fragmentation was used in one case only but the time range under anaesthesia is not reported. The authors allude to the paucity of data regarding the procedure and highlight the two reported cases in adult literature, one of which involved a spinal injury patient.
Pina, IM; Floyd Jr, MS; Davies, MC; Stubington, SR. (2018). Re: “Paediatric cystolitholapaxy through the Mitrofanoff/Monti channel” . Journal of Pediatric Urology. epub 9 June
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