
UK Radical Cystectomy Audit

Published Date: 19th July 2016

Publication Authors: Fowler S, , McCabe JE


UK Urologists have been able to submit radical cystectomy data to the BAUS complex operations database since 2004. In 2011 the datasets were overhauled and a web based system launched. We present an analysis of this newly submitted data. It is hoped that by collecting this data we can gain a more meaningful perspective on the operations we do and therefore make positive changes to patient management in the future.


The data has been collected via the web based system and an ongoing analysis of all submitted data between April 2011 until March 2012 undertaken. Data was interrogated using Tableau software. Patients undergoing open and laparoscopic (including robotic) procedures have been included in the data collection.


Up to October 2011, 193 cystectomies were entered onto the database. These were performed in 31 centres. Mean patient age was 68 years and mean length of stay was 15.6 days. The majority of patients underwent open transperitoneal procedure 139 (72%). Post operative complication rate for all procedures was 15%. Lymph node metastases were detected in only 23 (11%) of patients.


This interim analysis suggests that there is a low yield of positive lymph nodes for each given pathological T stage as compared to current literature. This may be the result of inadequate pelvic lymph node dissection. However, we need more

data entries to analyse this accurately. Of note, the pathological data is more complete than in the 2010 data, this is an

early positive outcome of the re-launched datasets. 

Patrick, L; McCabe, JE; Fowler, S. (2012).  UK radical cystectomy audit 2011-2012 on behalf of BAUS section of oncology . BJU International. 109 (Suppl s7), 37.

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