Risk of tumour seeding in patients with liver lesions undergoing biopsy with or without concurrent ablation: meta-analysis
Published Date: 15th May 2024
Publication Authors: Maducolil. JE
Abstract: Liver biopsies are fundamental for research purposes to plan personalized therapies1. Needle tract seeding is often raised as a concern during liver biopsies2. It occurs during withdrawal of a needle, where malignant cells get displaced along the needle tract. The risk of seeding associated with liver biopsies remains uncertain. In a meta-analysis conducted in 2008, the overall incidence of seeding was 2.7%, ranging from 1.5% to 5.8%3. Biopsies at that time were performed using older techniques, such as non-coaxial direct access biopsy, and with small sample sizes. Since then, studies have been performed using newer techniques, such as coaxial percutaneous liver biopsy2,4–9. Coaxial biopsy allows multiple samples to be taken through the same tract, whereas non-coaxial techniques require multiple insertions for each tissue sample4. Due to concerns regarding needle tract seeding, biopsy with prophylactic ablation of the needle tract has been performed2,5,10–12.
The aim of this meta-analysis was to evaluate the risk of needle tract seeding in patients with liver lesions undergoing biopsy with or without concurrent ablation.
Maducolil, Jeremy E; Et al. (2024). Risk of tumour seeding in patients with liver lesions undergoing biopsy with or without concurrent ablation: meta-analysis. BJS Open. 8(3), p.4. [Online]. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bjsopen/zra [Accessed 22 May 2024].
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