
Hallux Varus

Published Date: 08th August 2023

Publication Authors: Munir U, Morgan S

Hallux varus is a clinical condition characterized by medial deviation of the great toe at metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint. This condition may present with varying degrees of severity, causes, and symptoms. Adult acquired hallux varus deformity is commonly iatrogenic, commonly resulting from surgery for hallux valgus.

A patient may have difficulty in walking and wearing shoes. Mild hallux varus can be managed with stretching exercises and splints. However, if the symptoms become significant and affect daily activities, then surgery should be considered.


Munir, U; Mabrouk, A; Morgan, S. (2024). Hallux Varus. [Online]. StatPearls. Last Updated: 08 August 2023. Available at: [Accessed 4 April 2024]



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