Commentary on “An assessment of urethral radiation exposure in the treatment of endometrial and rectal cancers”
Published Date: 15th December 2022
Publication Authors: Harrison NL
This retrospective cohort study was aimed at comparing urethral radiation exposure during two common radiotherapy modalities. Vaginal brachytherapy (VBT) is commonly used to treat endometrial cancer, with external beam radiation (EBRT) therapy used to treat rectal cancer. The study hypothesised that urethral radiation dose varies between these two modalities. VBT patients were identified using a ‘convenience’ sample of patients already identified during an existing prospective study carried out in North Carolina, USA, between 2014 and 2017. An equal number of female rectal cancer patients treated for rectal cancer with EBRT were identified using ICD-9/10 codes and CPT codes during the same time period.
Harrison, NL; Abdelrahman, A. (2022). Commentary on “An assessment of urethral radiation exposure in the treatment of endometrial and rectal cancers”. International Urogynecology Journal. epub 15 Dec. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed 20 February 2023].
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