
P147 Quick reference insulin safety medicine binder: A change in practice in St Helens & Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Published Date: 23rd March 2022

Publication Authors: Strong AJ, Michaels S, Cardwell J, Bujawansa S

Despite national initiatives to improve practice, the National Diabetes Inpatient Audit (NADIA) 2019 still reported high levels of medication and insulin errors. A quick reference insulin safety binder was produced to promote insulin safety and support registered nurses whilst undertaking medication rounds. The binder is an eye catching, easy to read guide of the ‘Six steps of Insulin Safety’ with the aim of improving nurses’ knowledge and patient safety.

Upon consultation with the trust Medicine Safety Group an A5 sized binder was produced that is able to be secured to all medicine trolleys/areas across the trust. The Inpatient Diabetes Team intends to roll the binder out across the trust over the next 6 months with extensive communication to ward areas. There are plans to audit insulin errors pre and post use.

Early feedback from a poster version and trial consultations of the newly developed binder version is extremely positive. Staff report they have found the information appropriate, useful and easy to apply to practice. Nurses particularly enjoy the insulin profile, administration frequency and insulins brand names listed. Medicine Safety Group is impressed with availability and gentle key safety reminders.

Errors in insulin administration remain common despite national programmes and in house education. It is anticipated that the medicine safety binder will be a useful tool for nursing staff, promoting a greater understanding and therefore reducing errors in practice. Audit will be required to determine potential impact on patient safety and incidence of errors.


Strong, A; Michaels, S; Cardwell, J; Bujawansa, S. (2022). P147 Quick reference insulin safety medicine binder: A change in practice in St Helens & Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. Diabetic Medicine. 39 (Suppl 1), 87



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