The Surgical Art Face©: Developing a Bespoke Multimodal Face Model for Reconstructive Surgical Education
Published Date: 04th September 2021
Publication Authors: Harper-Machin A
Surgical and educational challenges exist in relation to the teaching of facial reconstructive surgery due to the complexities of the facial landscape and training models available. This chapter will describe the development and implementation of alternative modes of teaching facial reconstructive techniques in a multi-disciplinary setting, pioneered by Surgical Art (, through the use of a bespoke multimodal training model—the Surgical Art Face©.
Vaiude, P; Roughley, M; Redman, A; Harper-Machin, A. (2021). The Surgical Art Face©: Developing a Bespoke Multimodal Face Model for Reconstructive Surgical Education. Biomedical Visualisation. . (1334), 157-179
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