Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma–mms or MMS?
Published Date: 23rd December 2020
Publication Authors: Nayar R, Defty C, Tehrani H, Morton J
We read with interest the articles by Kiely et al. discussing the challenges of completely excising cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas (cSCC) with standard surgical excision. The incidence of cSCC places a significant burden on skin cancer services, and thus conventional surgical excision remains the pragmatic standard of care. However, incomplete excision of cSCC is associated with higher rates of recurrence, metastasis and disease-specific death. The primary issues are that excision margin guidelines for cSCC are relatively arbitrary, subjective, and a number of tumour characteristics may impact upon complete excision.
Dunne, J; Nayar, R; Defty, C; Tehrani, H; Morton, J. (2020). Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma–mms or MMS?. JPRAS. epub 23 Dec