Welcome to our new Resident Doctors!
1 August 2024
We'd like to welcome all our new Resident Doctors and hope that you enjoy your time working for the Trust.
ClinicalKey Training
28 November 2023
Did you know that the library provides access to seven ClinicalKey Collections?
Training for New Resources
1 February 2022
As you know we have some new exciting online resources to help you find and access the information you need (if you don't know, see our blog posts here https://www.knowledge-nw.nhs.uk/news/10January2022, here https://www.knowledge-nw.nhs.uk/news/12January2022 and here https://www.knowledge-nw.nhs.uk/news/14January2022 to find out more).
Welcome to all new and returning doctors
6 August 2021
We would like to welcome all new and returning doctors to the Trust.
Virtually here for you!
22 February 2021
We may not physically be in the library but we are still here for you.
Virtual Training from the Library and Knowledge Service
5 October 2020
Even though we are currently unable to offer our training in person, we can now provide one-to-one virtual training on:
UpToDate® - Bitesize training sessions
19 August 2020
UpToDate have set up monthly short online training which will cover several different topics. The training sessions can be accessed live where you will be able to ask the presenter questions. The sessions will be recorded and will be added to a library where they can then be viewed on demand.
10 August 2020
We would like to welcome all the new doctors to the Trust. Please take a moment to look at our Junior Doctors page which is full of helpful information. We are currently operating with reduced staff due to COVID-19, so please be patient with us and read how we are working to keep you and us safe.