What's New

The pods have landed!

Published Date: 29th May 2023

They’ve taken a while to get here, and we had to do a lot of rearranging to fit them in, but the Library now has 4 acoustic pods for you to use as space for quiet conversation, meetings (virtual or in person), group work, small group teaching sessions, attending online conferences and more.

Thank you all for your patience with us while we were having them installed, but we think you will find them worth while!



Single person pods
If you need a space to attend an online meeting or training course, you can book one of our single person pods – we have two available.


Four person pods
If you want to book a space for a small group you can book one of our four person pods (we also have two of these) with wall-mounted screens that can connect to your laptop. Laptops are available to borrow if required.

The rules!
The pods are available for anyone to use, but to keep them in good condition and make sure that they are ready for the next people to make use of, please note the following few rules that we are asking you to follow:

  • You will be required to vacate the pod promptly at the end of your timed booking, having ensured all spaces are clear and tidy.
  • Acoustic pods lower noise levels but are not totally sound proof and we would ask you to be considerate of confidentiality as well as other library users.
  • The pods are available for teaching, meetings and tutorials where users will be in conversation. If you just need a quiet area for study, you can use any of the quiet study areas around the library.
  • Bottles of water are permitted to be taken into the pods, but no other food or hot drinks are permitted.

How to Book
You can book the pods from Monday – Friday for up to two hours, between 9.00am and 5.00pm. The pods can be booked up to three months in advance. We will email you a confirmation of your booking.

For more information and our online booking form please go to our webpage at: https://www.knowledge-nw.nhs.uk/library-pods


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