E-Journal Consultation 2021
Published Date: 11th October 2021
The Library & Knowledge Service is inviting you to take part in its annual review of e-journal subscriptions. We’re asking for your suggestions to ensure that we subscribe to the most appropriate titles across a wide range of subjects.
We subscribe to over 1000 e-journals and you can find out which titles we have by looking at the Resources section on our website. Please note you will need an NHS OpenAthens account to access the full list of journals available to you.
Alternatively, please get in touch with us and we can send you a list of the journal titles available in your subject area.
If you have any comments about the range of titles available, or feel that there are any essential journals missing, please email us at library@sthk.nhs.uk by the 29th October 2021. While we welcome any suggestions you may have for new titles, the final decision will be based on cost, ease of access and coverage of subjects.
We look forward to receiving your comments and suggestions.