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COVID-19 Resources

Published Date: 10th March 2020

Access to the GIDEON (Global Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology Online Network) has been enabled for ALL NHS OpenAthens accounts until the end of April.

Organised into two online modules (Infectious Diseases and Microbiology) and in the context of the spread of COVID19, this resource provides a tracker to identify areas and countries with cases and the number of cases, epidemiological reports and clinical infomation.

To access this resource please click here and login with your NHS OpenAthens ID and then click on Gideon, which is in the menu at the top of the page.

To see a tutorial on the resource please click here.

If you don't have an NHS OpenAthens account please click here to create one.

Caroline de Brun from Public Health England's Library & Knowledge Services team has produced a daily coronavirus alert. The alert is made up of the results of a PubMed Search and Twitter feeds from international government organisations and anyone can sign up to this via the link in the 'Keeping up to date' section of the Finding the Evidence: Coronavirus page.

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