What's New

Health Information Week Day 3 - Your Health Collection

Published Date: 06th July 2022


Today we are looking at the brand new collection of books and resources provided by the Reading Agency and Health Education England.

The “Your Health Collection” contains 10 books and links to 30 online resources to help you look after your health and wellbeing. This is in addition to our popular Reading Well Collection, which contains self help books on a wide variety or health and mental health conditions and can be accessed here https://bit.ly/STHKReadingWell2022.

Click on the orange buttons on our interactive image to access the "Your Health Collection" resource list and for more information.


Don’t forget to check throughout the week to see each day’s theme.

NB: We are expecting delivery of the 10 books from the "Your Health Collection" on Friday, if you would like to reserve one of the books please email us library@sthk.nhs.uk.

#HealthInformationWeek #HIW2022


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