Information skills

Small purple icon of two people facing each other   INFORMATION SKILLS

The Library and Knowledge Service offers a range of training designed to help you make the best use of our online resources and helps support evidence-based practice.

Use the links below to book a training session with us or to access the wide range of training materials and guides available.

Some links are only available through the Halton, Knowsley and St Helens NHS Intranets.

Online Resources

This section will provide you with information on the training and materials we can give to help you get the best use out of the online resources available to you.

Evidence Searching

Arrange one-to-one or group training on using databases to seach the evidence and access a selection of training materials. 

Critical Appraisal and Journal Clubs

Want to learn more about Critical Appraisal or looking for help setting up a journal club? Find out how the Clinical Librarian can help you.

Writing for Publication

Writing a journal article or case report and need some help? This section contains a collection of resources on writing and referencing


Information about referencing and the training that we provide.